Nanoscience/Nanotechnology is the study of the science and application of the many attributes of very small things moving at femto seconds. An attempt is made in this paper to highlight the technical story of nanoparticles, the research facilities/ windows, the properties/ attributes of nanoparticles , production and characterization of nanoparticle for solving human problems in developing countries. Nanotherapy is fingered as a possible alternative to the harmful chemotherapy and radiotherapy in cancer annihilation in human system. The replacement of charge with spin in the design of electronic units is a scientific possibility. Application of impurity substitution in a metal matrix and densification phenomena in the vibration of varying particle grain sizes in engineering might be used to explain the mechanism of cancer tumor destruction in nanoparticle/cancer tumor interaction. This paper will ignite researchers to seek to melt boundaries to solve human problems. Concepts in Engineering especially materials science and engineering could be applied to medical, biological and other systems to explain certain phenomena and vice versa.